
No matter if your dream lies behind the scenes or at center stage, 我们的戏剧节目很有活力, 活跃的, and will help you prepare for the career of your dreams.

我们的毕业生工作 在百老汇, 在洛杉矶和芝加哥担任演员, 老师, 舞台经理, and 服装设计师; for 达文波特少年剧院, 古德曼剧院, 和圣. 十字节剧院.


  • Learn From Acting and Tech Professionals
  • You 选择: Stage, Tech, or Both!
  • 获奖戏剧节目




Gaining real experience is at the core of studying theatre at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. Our award-winning faculty provide our students with a deep understanding of every working part that goes into a production, 无论是在台上还是台下. A close-knit relationship with your peers and 老师 is something you just won't get at larger universities, and our productions are a great example of that.


At SAU, you can seriously do it all

We have an award-winning program, faculty committed to your success, and opportunities galore.


More 信息rmation on Our 剧院 Program


While 剧院 is not an option as a major, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 offers robust performance opportunities! You will grow in your 代理 skills and self-confidence, 学会塑造性格, and hone the art of stagecraft and directing techniques.

Courses include script analysis, 服装设计, 舞台灯光, 景观设计, 音乐剧院, 以及戏剧史. 剧院 students read an impressive variety of plays as part of the coursework. Take a look at the suggested reading list (pdf).

的n, take what you learned in the classroom and apply it through a 产品种类 全年, ranging from musical theatre and directing to various showcases and intimate black box theatre shows.

剧院 students can also study abroad with our popular "剧院 in London" course. It culminates in a two-week trip to London where students see up to 14 plays, 参观莎士比亚的故乡, and study with British theatre professionals. Other locations include Greece and Ireland, but the world really is your oyster! St. 可以买滚球的正规平台有很多 出国留学机会 所有学生.


的 剧院 Department is located inside the 高尔文美术中心 with a 600-seat proscenium stage that can expand seating to 1,200. 的 stage also hosts the annual Performing Arts Series, which allows you to attend professional touring shows right here on campus (and students get in free!).

We also have the Studio 剧院, a 50-seat black box theatre which hosts most of our student-directed plays. Our students love this intimate space because it provides a variety of directing, 代理, 设计机会.

We have great connections and encourage all students to complete an internship in whatever area of theatre they wish to focus. Our theatre students have learned from professionals and peers on-site at 的 Goodman, 格思里的, 节日剧院, 大约21年晚餐剧场, 质量控制研讨会, 达文波特少年剧院, 儿童剧团, 和幕盒剧院. 的 外国语大学就业中心 will help you find the internship right for you.

To make your education even more affordable, our 剧院 Department offers numerous scholarships for current, 转移, 一年级学生. 点击这里了解更多.

What are some potential career outcomes?

剧院 students can establish careers as directors, 服装设计师, 技术董事, 旅游管理人员, 照明设计师, 演员, 戏剧教师(大专), 正规买球平台有哪些, 和高中), 音乐总监, 艺术总监, 舞台管理人员.

You could also work in fashion design, 事件协调, 艺术管理, 公民的领导, 平面设计, 或者管理职位.

Read about Emmy Award-winning 服装设计er Brian Hemesath '94, and the many ways he supports SAU 剧院 students. His commitment to his profession and the university was recently recognized with the Distinguished Alumnus Award.

What have alumni of this program done?
  • Tony Stratton '12 is a professional actor in Chicago.
  • Aaron Randolph III '02, '10 is a strong presence in the Quad Cities theatre scene. He is founder of the Quad City 剧院 Workshop and was the 2016 recipient of the Quad City Arts Lloyd Schoeneman Community Impact Award for Outstanding Artist in performing arts.
  • Hannah Donovan '18 works in Chicago in stage management.
  • Daniel Sheridan '05 is the Performing Arts Supervisor for Davenport Parks and Recreation and the Artistic Director of 达文波特少年剧院. He was a founding member of the QC 剧院 Workshop.
  • Eric Behnke '04 tours the country as an Automation Carpenter for the North American tour of "Dreamgirls."
  • Abby Van Gerpen '10 earned a master's degree in Christian Ministry and Discipleship, works a day job for Enterprise Holdings, and performs professionally in the Quad Cities.




View theatre courses and descriptions in the online course catalog

+THTR 105 Beginning Acting: Voice and Body, 3 credits
+THTR 202 Survey of 剧院, 3 credits
+THTR 209 Stagecraft, 3 credits
+WI-THTR 218 Introduction to Script Analysis, 3 credits
+THTR 304 剧院 History I: to 1642, 3 credits
THTR 380 Junior Seminar, 1 credit

3 credits of theatre electives

山姆琼斯移动切割图像 山姆琼斯切割图像


Triple Major: 剧院, History & 艺术史,2018届毕业生

At SAU, you can learn about the world and experience the world. 山姆做的. 作为一名本科生, he took two short-term study abroad trips, then spent a semester taking classes in London. Sam graduated on time, with three majors, and so many great stories to tell. 是的,你可以做到这一切. 我们会帮助.


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518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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